My Blog

It's the beginning of another new week, Monday, July 26, 2020, the world is still in a severe shock of unchanging times. As a small business owner, these past many months since the virus has left an extreme mark of oppression of so many. Watching businesses, essential /non-essential decide their next critical move towards, either staying afloat or shifting gears to come to the needs of the newest normal. With the living environment shifting to a state of almost daily shutdown, for safety sake, because of the numbers rising, yet once again, it's time to decide in what direction to move for at least now. Deciding to put myself online, showcasing some of my designs that I create, that will be available to the public, from here on my website, to Facebook, to Amazon, as I am one of their artisians. Introducing The Black Velvet Selection, which will be ready for it's initial showing for the Fall of 2020. Until then, please continue to stay safe in your decisons how you live your life .

The Painted Apron Tearoom

It's March 17, 2020, the end of a very long and confusing day for some, and we all have ventured off, wanting to or not... into a new way for now, not willing to say a new normal. Subsequently, so many questions will stand unanswered for awhile and nothing will ever quite be the same, every life has shown us all, how serious it can be in one way or another. As I worked in my one shop tonight, together this evening with my best friend, Chris, another business owner from town,{ On Track with Chris} who walks through the trenches with me from time to time and more often than not lately.... we took a break and ventured off into the stillness that existed all around the town. More people were walking, here and there, some were just going for a short drive it seemed. Being in the downtown area of our small town, it all seemed shaken by the aptitude of what seriously grips our existence...our nation. One of our local pastors and his family walked for an ice cream, at a local drive through... short conversation showed his concern and never ending compassion for the town's people. As we came back to finish up on my work at hand, my oldest daughter stopped by in her truck to drop off some traditional, St. Patrick's dinner for me... people looking out for people, that is what makes the entire world go 'round in one way or another at times. As I looked up at a huge old tree in front of my shop, there were birds sitting quietly, bigger birds swarming more than usual, heading to the river, one block away, even nature seemed to be on some kind of different pursuit, but still trying to keep up with life's normal sequence, even for everything that was happening, life has to continue on in one way or another. The town's movement is so much quieter than usual tonight, things are a bit more safer. I hope tomorrow, we might just breathe a bit more easier, as the unknown, becomes more clearer in the days ahead. Please stay safe, my friends and remember some words that I use sometimes as I work around my building.... Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. Until next time, let us all be kind to ourselves and continue to look out for each other,,... we will make it through.

March 20, 2020 🤞 Let's keep our fingers crossed, as for the word on hopefully ... maybe having a step in the right direction for a drug that may help the world's malady. There has to be an overwhelming amount of profound intelligence pouring into the daily minute to minute goals to find a solution and this is more than gratefulness can measure. There is a difference between knowing something and acting on it.... who are these individuals that we all sit so tightly and rely upon, complete strangers to stand this fallen glass back up..... Who are these individuals that understand the physical world in a certain way that the everyday people pray that these individuals will find the cure..... Who are these precious souls that are trying so desperately to not let anymore of the world's population fall through the cracks..... Believing that anything is possible. The world's conversation has changed.

  • It's March 27, 2020, the last Friday of the month, and with the extreme surge of disbelief for what has been occurring here and around the world, let us all trust in all of our own personal struggles and believe in the strength of each and every new day. Please stay safe my friends, far and near. 🖤